Treatment is a health care provider’s attempt to control a medical problem, relieve symptoms or repair a defect (such as a birth defect) that causes a patient to suffer from an illness or injury. There are various types of medical treatments, including medicine, therapy and surgery. Sometimes, treatment can cure a disease, but not always. A “cure” is when a treatment makes the disease go away and does not return.
Modern medical treatment is conducted within health care systems that provide legal, credentialing and financing frameworks. These structures vary from country to country, but they usually include hospitals and clinics. Medical doctors are licensed or registered to practice within these frameworks, which is intended to ensure that patients receive competent and ethical care. It also helps deter charlatans that may use medical procedures for personal gain.
A doctor of medicine (MD) or a physician has undergone medical training, often at least eight years, and is capable of diagnosing and treating diseases and injuries that affect the human body. During their medical education, MDs are taught the fundamental sciences of medicine, which include anatomy, biochemistry and physiology. Medical schools also teach the more practical aspects of medicine, such as pharmacology, pathology and radiology.
Medical research and development are a major part of the practice of medicine. Doctors are trained in experimental and clinical methods to develop and evaluate new medicines, therapies and devices. They also learn about the social and behavioral aspects of health care, such as counseling patients and establishing doctor-patient relationships.
Many medical practitioners specialize in particular fields of medicine. For example, an internal medicine specialist is able to treat several different organs in the body, such as the heart, kidneys and liver. There are also subspecialties for specific age ranges and disease classes. Pediatrics, for instance, focuses on the medical and surgical care of infants and children.
There are also specialties for geriatric medicine, dermatology and ophthalmology. The field of podiatry deals with the diagnosis, medical and surgical treatment of disorders of the foot and ankle.
When a patient receives a medical treatment, that treatment is documented in the patient’s medical record. In the United States, a doctor must follow certain rules for recording this information. These guidelines, called HIPAA guidelines, require the doctor to give a patient clear and detailed information about the proposed treatment and its risks.
A patient has the right to choose not to undergo a clinically indicated medical treatment. However, the decision must be based on adequate information and the individual must take responsibility for that choice. A doctor may not deny a patient the opportunity to make such a choice, but should consult with colleagues with relevant specialist experience. They may also refer the patient to a lawyer to determine capacity. Ideally, the patient’s chosen surrogate should also be involved in this process.