A hospital is a medical institution that has doctors, nurses, and many other staff to care for sick or injured patients. It also has a large assortment of specialized technology and devices to diagnose and treat an extensive range of diseases and injuries. It is a central part of the healthcare system and is essential for human life, but it is not without its critics. As advances in medicine, engineering, and biotechnology produce increasingly sophisticated new treatments and instruments for diagnosis and cures, hospitals have become larger and more complex to accommodate them. They have also become more expensive to operate, which has led some experts to recommend that they be run on a more efficient and cost-effective basis.
The most common type of hospital is an acute-care institution, which treats patients who have serious or life-threatening illnesses or injuries and who may be staying in the facility for a short period of time, from days to weeks. These are normally public hospitals, although some are operated for financial profit by their owners and are known as proprietary institutions. A smaller number of hospitals are devoted to long-term care of chronic or recurrent diseases and injuries, such as burn centers or cancer treatment facilities.
There are other types of hospitals, such as teaching and community hospitals, which provide a variety of medical services for all people in the community, regardless of their ability to pay. Many hospitals offer a wide variety of outpatient departments and specializations, such as psychiatric or cardiac care. Other important functions include research, education, and training of health professionals.
Some hospitals are undergoing consolidation and downsizing in the United States, as they are being replaced by regional medical centers and integrated into large healthcare systems. This is in response to the increasing costs of running a hospital, which are being fueled by the development of new diagnostic equipment and procedures, as well as the rising cost of insurance coverage that pays for many hospital stays.
A person who is hospitalized will have several visits from doctors, nurse practitioners, and other health care providers. During these visits, the doctor will assess the patient’s condition and write orders for treatment. A nurse will check the patient’s blood pressure, temperature, and pulse. Other health care workers, such as physical therapists and occupational therapists, will visit the patient as needed.
A hospital is usually a clean place, but it can be an uncomfortable or frightening environment for some patients. Hospitalization can disrupt a patient’s normal routine, and it is important that the patient follow the doctor’s instructions for recovery. Some patients may be restricted from seeing visitors due to safety or infection control concerns, especially in critical areas such as operating rooms and emergency departments. However, friends and family members are often able to visit their loved ones in the hospital. Some patients need help getting around the hospital, and a friend or relative can take them to and from their room.