Health Programs

Health programs focus on maximizing the health of people and communities. This includes preventing diseases, injuries and disability, and providing quality care for all people. It also involves promoting healthy lifestyles and working with the entire community to build a strong foundation for good health. Health programs can be found in a variety of settings, including the workplace. Americans on average work one-third of their day, five days per week, in the workplace (Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics). Workplaces present many opportunities for health protection, promotion and disease prevention programs.

Workplace wellness programs are designed to help employees live healthier lives by boosting their productivity, increasing morale and decreasing absenteeism. These programs can range from smoking cessation initiatives and exercise classes to dietary improvements and stress management strategies. A successful program should provide multiple components, including employee-centered activities and incentives.

Public health is the science of protecting and improving the health of entire populations, from local neighborhoods to countries across the globe. This is accomplished through health promotion, research on disease and injury prevention and detection and response to infectious diseases. Public health programs are multidisciplinary and involve partnerships with organizations in schools, law enforcement, business, agriculture, transportation and other sectors of society. These partnerships allow for a more holistic approach to addressing the many factors that affect health.

The goals of public health are to ensure children are born healthy, students are able to learn, workers are productive and safe, the elderly are healthy and well-cared for, communities are resilient in the face of disasters, and all people have access to affordable and quality healthcare. Public health professionals, through their work and advocacy, seek to achieve these goals in the context of society’s most cherished values.

Whether it’s the flu, vaccines, food safety or violence prevention, public health agencies are on the frontlines of protecting our nation’s most valuable resource: its people. Discover HHS resources to stay informed on national efforts to prevent illness, injury and premature death.

HHS programs make it possible for more than 30 million people to receive equitable health care. This includes people with low incomes, those living with HIV, children and their parents, rural communities, transplant patients and health workforce professionals. In addition, the Department provides assistance to individuals and families through Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Head Start and child care services. It also helps the nation’s health leaders prepare for and respond to disasters and public health emergencies through training, grants, scholarships, loan repayment and other support. NACCHO’s infrastructure and systems programs create tools to help strengthen local health departments. Learn more about these and other NACCHO programs.

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